Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The ARC Welcomes Sharon Franta

Sharon Franta is an adventurous follower of Jesus who believes in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through the fellowship of believers.

In 2002, she answered the Lord’s call to work at The Master’s Institute in St. Paul, MN and has been on a voyage with God ever since. A recent graduate of The Master’s Institute Seminary (’10), she is currently serving as Director for the School of Ministry; a one-year course designed to equip disciples and discover destinies. She longs to see the church strengthened, empowered and mobilized.

She and her husband Scott live in Roseville, MN and have 4 children. Much of her down time is spent her family, on the golf course or curled up with a good book.

“Joining the ARC is like coming home. I find it’s a place where the transforming power of the Holy Spirit is not only embraced, but expected. The ARC’s desire to be a genuine, united fellowship where you are encouraged and supported to be all that God has called you to be fits well with a vision to see the church strengthened. Through this, we will see God’s army take the ground that has been promised.”
