Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The ARC Welcomes Dawn Lundgren

We are excited to welcome Rev. Dawn Lundgren as the newest member of the ARC! Dawn is pastor of Cornerstone Church in Walker, MN, founder of Sundawn Ministries, and a graduate of The Master’s Institute Seminary. She and her husband Ed, will be married 53 years this July and have five grown children, nine grandchildren & four great-grandchildren. Wow! Talk about being fruitful and multiplying.

Following a devastating diagnosis of the onset of early Alzheimer’s Disease in 1983, Dawn retired to their home and began searching for God’s will in her life through His Word. In 1984 she experienced a “Damascus Road” encounter with the Living Lord, was touched, healed and commissioned on a path that eventually lead to an International ministry in 17 countries, plus conferences, seminars and worship services in many churches in the U.S.

In 2008 the Lord called her to become the pastor of a small, struggling church in northern Minnesota. With the support, love and prayers of many ministry friends and leaders, the church is growing, thriving and recently purchased the building they have been renting! Dawn writes: “I have chosen to become a contributing member of ARC partially because of my deep respect for the founders and leaders of this organization. After attending the 2010 Conference in St. Paul, and observing the number of passionate men and women of like minds and hearts, I was strongly moved to become a contributing part of this lively, inspiring and dedicated group of followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ.”

Welcome to the ARC, Dawn. We are excited to add you to our growing number in this band of brothers and sisters who want to kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.
