Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The ARC Welcomes Corey Paxton

We are excited to welcome Corey Paxton to membership in the Alliance of Renewal Churches. Corey lives in Roanoke, VA with his wife Danielle and three little girls-- Hannah, Shilloah, and Norah-- serving as the Youth and Young Adult Minister of St. John Lutheran Church (LCMC). Corey also created and directs “Epic: Experiencing Passion in Christ”: a week of mission, discipleship, and adventure for teenagers in the Roanoke Valley. Before coming to the Lutheran Church, Corey served on Young Life staff and then as volunteer staff with Mosaic in Los Angeles while earning a dual master’s degree in Theology and Cross Cultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is currently finishing his MDIV with the Master’s Institute Seminary and is excited to join the ARC to connect with a band of brothers and sisters passionate about Jesus and His mission in the world.

Please add Corey to your prayer list, and you can look forward to meeting him at the ARC Midwest Gathering in St. Paul, MN on Oct 26-28. Welcome to the ARC, Corey!
