Thursday, September 1, 2011

The ARC Welcomes Nathan Hoff

We are excited to welcome Nathan Hoff to the Alliance of Renewal Churches. Nathan is senior pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in San Pedro, CA and a member of the Board of Directors for Lutheran Renewal.

Nathan writes, “The Lord has been teaching me that thanksgiving is a fruit of true humility. Thanksgiving also severs the entitlement nerve that runs so strongly in me. ‘Thank you’ says ‘you have given me something that I didn't necessarily deserve.’ So I'm thankful! Thankful to introduce myself to a network that looks good on paper, but better in person. I'm thankful for good leadership in the ARC from the beginning days to today.

I'm thankful for my wife of 15 years, Joy (again much more than I deserve). She and I are grateful to parent 4 kids (Christian, Annika, Samuel, and Peter). I am thankful to serve as pastor at Trinity Lutheran in San Pedro, California. We have been at Trinity for 6 years. Trinity is giving thanks to God for 90 years of His faithfulness this fall. We are grateful for our past, and all that God is up to in the present, but also that He is leading us into a hopeful future here in the Harbor area of Los Angeles.

I thankful to join the ARC because I realized that ARC folks are the folks that I love to be with, minister with, and call when I'm in a bind and need prayer, support, or guidance. I love that the ARC values relationship.”

ARC members, you can meet Nathan at the ARC Midwest Gathering in St. Paul, MN on Oct 26-28. Welcome to the ARC, Nathan!
