"Who am I? A follower of Jesus Christ who is thoroughly enjoying this adventure of discipleship. I'm married to a beautiful younger blond (his wife of decades, Ruth) and enjoying growing older with her. We have three sons, two daughters and eight grandchildren. We enjoyed 14 years seeing many come to faith in Christ in Brazil, followed by parish ministry in Van Nuys, CA and Trinity Lutheran Church in southern Minneapolis. We then served for a decade with New Ventures, followed by a time of serving as Director for Lutheran Evangelistic Missions (LEC). I am retired now and preach and teach occasionally as well as being active with Ruth in our home church, Hosanna, in Lakeville, MN. We travel to Brazil each year to touch base with our son, Timothy, and other friends, as well as our daughter and family. God's call on my life at this stage is to be a servant to my wife who has become blind due to retinitus pigmentosa, and meet with men, both ordained and not ordained in an iron sharpens iron style of one to one relationship. I look to the ARC as a fellowship of like-minded followers of Christ with the call to win the lost, grow up the saved, and equip others for kingdom expansion."
Welcome to the ARC, Jack. We are blessed to come alongside of you and enjoy this adventure together. You can welcome Jack at: .