Monday, November 22, 2010

The ARC Welcomes Bob Rognlien!

We are excited to welcome Bob Rognlien to the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC). Bob lives in Torrance, CA (outside of Los Angeles) with his wife of nearly 25 years, Pam. They have two sons, Bobby and Luke, both of whom are currently in college. Bob writes, “Jesus is the foundation of my life and my family is at the center of what the Spirit is building on that foundation. I serve as Lead Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, a dynamic life-changing community of multiplying disciples who are on mission together for the sake of God’s Kingdom.”

In addition to his local ministry, God has called Bob to a wider ministry of writing, speaking, and training leaders. He has published two books on Experiential Worship, spoken extensively at ministry conferences around the world, and now work with Mike Breen and 3D Ministries as the West Coast Director of Transformation Communities. Bob’s focus is training church leaders to develop a discipling culture where they can empower others to form missional communities that bring the Kingdom to the world. He is currently writing a book on living as empowered missional disciples, which is titled “A Jesus Shaped Life.”

Bob says, “I decided to join the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC) as an expression of my commitment to seek the power and direction of the Holy Spirit in all I do and to recognize the many relational connections I already have with members of the ARC. I believe and have experienced that nothing I can do for God will ultimately matter unless it is done in submission to the power and presence of his Spirit. I look forward to sharing the joy of ministry with members of the ARC, receiving the many gifts this family has to strengthen me, and offering up the things God has put into my hands in the hope it will further the cause of Jesus’ Kingdom. To him be the glory and to us the joy!”

Welcome to the ARC, Bob and Pam!


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