Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The ARC Welcomes Glen Carlson

We are excited to announce that Glen Carlson has joined the Alliance of Renewal Churches. Glen is pictured in the middle with friends Joe Johnson (left) and Mike Bradley (right) at the Southwest ARC Gathering. Glen is a long-time friend to many of us in the ARC. He was a pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Stony Plain, Alberta for 37 years and the leader for Lutheran Renewal – Canada

In 2002 Glen left full time congregational ministry to become a consultant in Churches in Western Canada and in Southern California, assisting David Householder over a three year period. In 2006, he accepted the contract to serve Emmaus Lutheran Church in Edmonton with the specific purpose of equipping people for ministry. As a result of this the congregation has opened a center for the homeless, helping people to believe in themselves, believe in Jesus, and raise their level of expectancy.

Glen writes, “Since 2002 my passion is to listen to Jesus through the Scriptures. This has let me to write books with the overall theme of listening to Jesus. These books are of a devotional nature that helps one to listen to the heart of Jesus. Books I have written so far are: LISTENING ( a devotional guide for the whole year); REFLECTIONS ON PSALM 23 (Looking at milestones in one’s life; PLANTING FEET (Listening to Jesus through the catechism); THE BOOK OF HEBREWS (Listening to Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King.); KINGDOM FOCUS (focus for the church in the new apostolic age.); COLOSSIANS (Bible Study on Listening to Jesus in Colossians).”

Glen is joining the ARC because of the kindred spirit he shares with us. Welcome, Glen, we’re glad to have you in the ARC.


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