Thursday, November 4, 2010

The ARC Welcomes Julie Samuelson

We are excited to welcome Pastor Julie Samuelson into membership in the Alliance of Renewal Churches. Julie is serving as the Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Master (LCM) in Brooklyn Center, MN; a congregation whose lead pastor is Morris Vaagenes. Julie teaches confirmation, leads youth events and facilitates a young adult service called “Heart Core.” A recent graduate of The Master’s Institute (MI) Seminary, Julie and her husband Brad live in Pine City, MN and have two adult sons.

Julie writes: “ARC was my choice because I have seen the leaders in action. They are emotionally and spiritually whole people that lead with grace. They enjoy serving the God's kingdom by not taking themselves too seriously as they follow Jesus radically. ARC leaders are the ones I want to be encouraged, inspired and supported by. Thanks for welcoming me to the family!”

Welcome to the ARC, Julie. We’re excited to have you on board!


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